Check out the variety of solutions we have available to help keep floods under control

Once flood waters have been subsided it is vital to dry the property out immediately. Flood waters can contain bacteria or silt, so even if it looks visually clean, it is important to take appropriate decontamination measures.
This is where we can help. Our clean up team would attend your property, remove contaminated items and dispose of them. They dry out and sanitise the areas ensuring that it is bacteria free. We hire
de-humidifiers and air movers to help with the process.
Our flood barrier bags are ideal in absorbing clean or contaminated water. They are particularly useful as an aid in slowing down or to help stop water ingress into a target zone. Stack them up brick wall style when wet as an alternative to sand bags and they will provide far superior results in stopping or reducing the flow of flood water. They are easily stored, have a long shelf life and are incredibly strong yet take up very little space. These products provide peace of mind at an acceptable cost. As you are aware floods are becoming a regular occurrence and need to be acted on as soon as possible. It is paramount to always be proactive opposed to reactive.
Prevention is better than cure
Keep them as a standby whenever the unexpected happens such as minor spills, leaks or rainfall.